I once again had the amazing opportunity to attend the Retreat for Pastors & Ministers to Artists at Laity Lodgehttp://www.laitylodge.org/laity-lodge-retreat-for-pastors-and-ministers-to-artists-2/ outside of Kerrville, Texas. It's a retreat specifically tailored for those of us who find ourselves in the mentor role to artists. There were under 50 of us from all various Christian denominations and from all over the States and the world, who share a similiar heart for artists, gathered at this intimate setting to connect & learn from each other.

Four of us leaders from the VineArts ministry http://www.vineartsboise.org/(under the umbrella of Vineyard Boise Church) embarked on this artistic adventure together. We were excited to share with others what we have within our VineArts community and to learn about what happening elsewheres in art ministries all over.
The retreat center is located in a remote river canyon miles outside of Kerrville, Texas. Laity Lodge can only be reached by driving through the Frio River...literally!!!
It's a beautiful setting for the chance to get away from it all (no cellphone coverage, no internet, no TV, etc.) and relax.
The retreat allows for plenty of mingling and conversing time around meals and free time. This was so valuable in order to connect with each other.
The speaking sessions were created to till the ground for conversations with each other throughout the weekend which fostered relationship and challenged ideas. Along with the main speaker sessions taught by David Taylor & Frederica Mathews-Green, there were workshops given on encaustic art, iconography, theatrical Scripture reading, art & faith in the marketplace, and a tour of an art exhibit about Rwanda in the gallery on site.
I enjoyed getting to know the caliber of people who attended. We were all on the same ground...no matter what our "titles" or "education" or "economic status" or "artistic background" or "faith denomination" was...we were all there for one common purpose to share in community.
They have an art studio at the center and we had the chance to take an encaustic workshop (the ancient artform of layering&fusing with beeswax) taught by Phaedra Taylor & Shannon Newby.
Daniel Domig from Vienna, Austria http://www.currentlynowhere.com/current/(an installation artist) led us in discussion about being artists of faith within the marketplace.
David Taylor http://artspastor.blogspot.com/(artist, author, and head of the retreat) spoke to us about character development as art ministers.
Frederica Mathews-Green http://www.frederica.com/(author, pastor, and wife to Gregory-an Orthodox priest) spoke to us about the importance of prayer & worship when creating art for the artist of faith.
Brooke Waggoner http://www.brookewaggoner.com/(singer/songwriter & musician from Nashville, Tennesee) shared some of her songs with us.
The grounds of Laity Lodge are layed out for the peaceful enjoyment of meditation & contemplative prayer while you stay.
The dock on the river offers swimming, boating, and picturesque beauty to soak up.
I got to kayak (which was a first for me) and had a blast during and after the retreat (as our team from Boise & a few others were able to stayover an additional night before our flights out).
I made some new friends & reconnected with friends I had met last year from all over the world as we shared in rich conversation around intimate meals and gorgeous scenery.
The retreat was once again a highlight of my year...a chance to get away and relax, a chance to meet new people, a chance to learn new things & be challenged, a chance to listen & hear God in regards to direction within arts ministry, and a chance to continue to step into my calling as an art minister/mentor (in & out of the church). I LOVE WHAT I GET TO DO!!!!
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